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Sean McFate has written for the New York Times, Washington Post, The New Republic, The Atlantic, Foreign Policy, Politico, Daily Beast, CNBC and other news venues.

Sean McFate is an expert in U.S. national security strategy and foreign policy. He is sought for his domain expertise on private military companies and their influence upon American warfare. He also provides incisive commentary on U.S. foreign policy options for Russia, Israel, and Iran, fundamental gaps in U.S. strategic culture, and why the American way of war is failing. His latest book, The New Rules of War: Victory in an Age of Durable Disorder, will publish in January 2019.

"The West is Losing Today's Infowars and Must Hit Back Hard"

The Economist | February 5, 2019

"Why High-tech Weapons may be Worthless in Wars to Come"

LinkedIn | February 1, 2019

"Outsourcing War to Mercenaries is a Lousy Idea: Ex-Mercenary"

Daily Beast | January 26, 2019

"From Pavarotti to prisoners of war, the surprising relationship between opera and war"

Quartz | January 22, 2019

"The Return of Mercenaries, Non-State Conflict, and More Predictions for the Future of Warfare"

Medium | January 22, 2019

"Forget Iran. Russia is the Real Threat to the U.S. in the Middle East"

CNBC | May 22, 2018

"Pompeo's Tough Talk on Iran is 'How Wars Start' "

CNBC | May 21, 2018

"I was a Mercenary. Trust me, Erik Prince's Plan is Garbage."

POLITICO | August 31, 2017

"The 'Blackwater 2.0' Plan for Afghanistan"

THE ATLANTIC | July 17, 2017

"America's Addiction to Mercenaries"

THE ATLANTIC | August 12, 2016

"We Need a Foreign Legion"

WASHINGTON POST | May 19, 2016

"How the US Can Defeat Putin's Shadow War"

THE DAILY BEAST | May 13, 2016

"How to Take Over a Small Country in 10 Easy Steps"

WAR ON THE ROCKS | May 13, 2015

"Reining in Soldiers of Fortune"

THE NEW YORK TIMES | April 18, 2015

"I Built an African Army. Now here's what it will take to build Afghanistan's"

THE DAILY BEAST | January 7, 2010

Sean McFate is an expert in U.S. national security strategy and foreign policy. He is sought for his domain expertise on private military companies and their influence upon American warfare. He also provides incisive commentary on U.S. foreign policy options for Russia, Israel, and Iran, fundamental gaps in U.S. strategic culture, and why the American way of war is failing. His latest book, The New Rules of War: Victory in an Age of Durable Disorder, will publish in January 2019.


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